Beetles, Snakes and Red Bubbles
Hi All, Good (very early) morning. Having spent a lot of time fiddling around with The Greatest Minds' shop on Red Bubble , I just wanted to share with you three of the most recent images uploaded to our shop there. First up is this picture - a redraft of a vintage aqua/blue snake picture that is now listed under the title " Blue Serpentine "- It seems to me that beetles, bugs and snakes have been staples of human art pretty much since the dawn of time. If you think about it, snakes feature in Chinese horoscopes and in ancient Egyptian folklore and history. Similarly, scarab beetles and the like are found amongst the hieroglyphics inside the pyramids. Wherever they turn up, they are instantly recognizable and distinctive. Having studied beetles at length and having written for several years on insects and reptiles/herps of many kinds, it seemed only fitting that The Greatest Minds' shop should have its own little "tribute" to these amazing animal...